Short Term Exchange (STEP) Explained
The Rotary Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) is a short-term summer exchange between matched families from different countries.Â
Typically, you would spend 3-5 weeks overseas with a family that has a son or daughter of approximately the same age. You and your match (your new host sibling) would also be together with your family, at your home in the US, for a similar period of time. You and your match would spend the whole summer together. If your exchange is to a country in the southern hemisphere (called a “staggered exchange”), you may have the opportunity to be on exchange for up to 6-9 weeks, essentially our whole summer. Then, your match would typically live with you here for the same amount of time during the summer months of their country, usually between November and March. The staggered exchange requires permission from your school for a student to shadow you. They would not register as a student since they will not have a student visa. The order for either exchange can be reversed. You may go to your host country first or your match may come here first. That will depend on the country involved, the dates of their break from school, and what works best for each family pair. Although short-term exchange students sometimes attend school, the standard summer short-term program does not generally include school attendance. Instead, it provides its educational experiences through exposure to a new language, culture, and family immersion. Sometimes your exchange will provide an opportunity to spend a few days in school either at its start or end. Attending school, even for a day or two, will expand your exchange experience. Students going on a staggered exchange do usually attend school in their host country since they are there for a much longer time period during a time that country has school.
Naturally, friendships that develop on exchange often last a long time, with repeat visits a very common occurrence.Â
For younger or older students, those who can’t go on a year-long exchange, or perhaps those wanting to sample the experience before committing to the long-term program, Rotary’s short-term exchange program can be ideal.
The program needs students who are committed to spending the summer immersed in their exchange experience, both as an exchange student and as a host. Parents must be willing to host their student’s match. Students wishing to exchange south of the equator will host for the same length of time between mid-November and the end of February. This requires permission from their school for a student to shadow them.
- You must be 14.5 to 19 years old. Â
- You may go on a short-term exchange the summer after graduating from high school, but it has to be a standard exchange, not a staggered exchange.
- Your family must be willing and able to host your inbound exchange match.
- Your initial application and interview will be with your local Rotary Club. The timing of club interviews range from late winter to early fall. Â
- Club nomination forms are due by September 30th, so club interviews should be before that.Â
- If accepted at the club level, there is an online district application. We hold an application seminar each year in early October. Â
- All application materials must be submitted to the District STEP Coordinator no later than October 31st of each year. Â
- Families will apply to be host families in mid-December. Â
- A required weekend orientation is held for students in early January and at least one parent is required to join their student and attend for the Sunday morning of that weekend. Â
- There is also a required morning orientation for both students and at least one parent in either late April or May. Â
- Students and families start getting matched in mid-January, but some may not be matched until early June. Â
- Exchanges can start July 1 according to Rotary International. No students may leave their home for exchange until that date.
Travel arrangements must be made only through our Rotary District-approved travel agent, It’s Your World Travel. The cost of travel is the sole responsibility of the families involved.
If accepted into the program, there is a $450 deposit payable by Oct. 31st. That fee mainly covers orientations, green Rotary polo shirts, and exchange student business cards. It does not include the cost of required medical insurance or travel fees. This program is fully funded by the student and their parents. Total costs vary greatly depending on where you exchange and the length of your exchange. We estimate costs of around $2,500- $4,500 to take part in the short-term program.]
Required January Orientation & Training
Required for Outbound Short-Term students and Long-Term Outbound Candidates and Alternates.
Each January, usually the first weekend, we take our Outbound Students, both those interested in Short Term and Long Term exchanges for a weekend of training at Canby Grove Camp and Retreat Center. Over these 3 days we instruct the students regarding being a Rotary Youth Exchange Ambassador, budgeting, culture, language, culture shock, food and more.
Rebound and ROTEX students who went on exchange in recent years participate in a panel discussion about common situations that occur during the exchange. Students are encouraged to ask questions.
Parents attend this training and a panel of Rebound parents will provide them with insights into how to cope with and support your student while on exchange. Some of these families have sent ALL of their children on exchange.
Country Fair – The students participate in a country fair to learn more about the areas and countries they would like to consider for exchange. There is an abbreviated version of the fair for the parents as well.
At the end of this training, students will be asked to identify their top 5 considerations for their exchange countries. Don’t be surprised if they change… they often do.

District 5100 Short Term Exchange Coordinator
Tina Scheible
Rotary District 5100 STEP Coordinator
Mobile: 971.258.8839