IB Required Training

INBOUND ORIENTATION & TRAINING Required for all Inbound Students. Our inbound students begin arriving in August. By mid-September, we hold a training specifically for our Inbound students to educate them on expectations, culture, and interactions at school and...


Apostille Apostilles authenticate the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificates, court orders, or any other document issued by a federal agency or certified by an American or foreign consul. An apostille certifies the...

Physician Letter

Physician Letter for Chronic Medical Issues If you suffer from any medical problems, you should carry a letter from your physician describing the medical condition, diagnosis, current treatment, prognosis and details of any prescription medications, including the...

Medical Certificate

In general, a medical certificate is a medical doctor’s statement indicating that the student has been examined and found in good physical and mental health to travel to study abroad and is free of contagious diseases.  A medical certificate is a different...

What is Fentanyl?

The following information was collected from the University of Colorado Boulder and the DEA.gov websites. What is Fentanyl? “Fentanyl is the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered.  Fentanyl is everywhere.  From large metropolitan areas to rural...