Do you have an English name? How did you get that English name?
If you had to choose just one word to describe yourself, what word would you choose?
Tell me, why did you want to study in the US?
Tell me about your hometown. If I came to visit you, where in your hometown would you take me? What would you show me?
What is one thing you love and respect about your mother or father?
Education and School
What is your favorite subject to study in school at home?
What is one difference between education in your country and education in America?
What do you do in your spare time in your country?
What ways would I be able to get involved in your school? Do you have any sports or clubs at your school?
How does their school system works back home? Is it free? Do they have to wear uniforms?
Is the school work harder or easier here compared to what they study at home?
What are your teachers like? Do you have one or many? Do you move rooms or do the teachers? Describe a typical day in school.Â
In schools, are children segregated by race? Caste? Class? Sex?
What kind of schools are considered best: public, private, parochial?
How are children disciplined in school?
Daily Life
Describe a typical day at home.·  Â
What has it been like to live with a host family?
In your country, what is something I can do to show my host family that I respect them?
What challenges might I experience with school, home life, in your country?Â
Ask him about his home and school life there, what is similar and different, and what he misses most about home.
How do people organize their daily activities? What is the normal meal schedule? Is there a daytime rest period? What is the customary time for visiting friends?
How are children disciplined at home?
What type of music do they listen to? Is there a band or singer from their country that they really like?
What is TV like in their country?
Do they play sports or do other things in their free time?
What is their favorite food that is special to their country?
What foods are most popular and how are they prepared?
What is the weirdest food they eat in their country?
What new foods have they tried here? What of that did they like and didn’t like?
What is the predominant religion? Is it a state religion?
What are the most important religious observances and ceremonies? How regularly do people participate in them?
How do members of the predominant religion feel about other religions?
Is the price asked for merchandise fixed or are customers expected to bargain? How is bargaining conducted?
If a customer handles or touches merchandise for sale, will the storekeeper think you are knowledgeable, inconsiderate, within your rights, completely outside your rights, etc.?
Culture & Etiquette
What things are taboo in this society?
What is the usual dress for women? For men? Are pants or shorts worn? Do teenagers wear jeans?
What are the special privileges of age and/or sex?
At what time is it adequate to come when you are invited?
On what occasions would you present/accept gifts from people in the host culture? What type of gifts would be exchanged?
Do some flowers have a particular significance?
How do people greet each other (hand shake, kiss, embrace)? How do they take leave of one another?
What are the important holidays and how is each observed?
Who are the country’s national heroes and heroines?
Are other languages spoken there besides the dominant language? What are the social and political implications of language usage?
If you, as a student, were invited to a cocktail party, who would you expect to find amongst the guests (business people, men only, men and women, politicians, teachers, lawyers, shopkeepers, intellectuals, writers, religious clerics, members of the host family, in-laws, children, adults)?
What are popular leisure and recreational activities for adults? Students? Children?
What sports are popular?
What television programs are shown? What is popular? What social purposes do they serve?
What is the normal work schedule? How does it accommodate environmental or other conditions?
What games do children play? Where do children congregate?
Are children usually present at social occasions? Ceremonial occasions?
What kind of local public transportation is available? Does everyone use it?
Who has the right of way in traffic (vehicles, animals, pedestrians)?
Feelings about the US
Are the largest circulation newspapers generally friendly in their attitude toward the U.S.?
What is the history of the relationships between this country and the U.S.?
What are some stereotypes of Americans in your country?
What is one part of American culture that you are excited to experience?
What is one part of your culture that you would like to share with Americans?
What kind of health services are available? Where are they located?
What are common home remedies for minor ailments? Where can medicine be purchased?