Its Your World Travel Directions

It’s Your World Travel – Process Overview –

Key Steps for Long-Term Exchange Success

As with many things in life, there is a set order to making this all happen in an efficient manner. In this process, it’s 1-2-3:

  1. Gather all the documents,
  2. Receive official approval to enter the Host Country,
  3. Book the ticket.

Be sure to thoroughly read all the Long-Term Exchange details to learn the specifics.


Register with IYWT. You can click on any New Student Portal link from our website. Read and follow the instructions for registration.


Rotary Youth Exchange students are a special kind of traveler; there are rules and requirements that everyone has to follow.  Read through the Host Country Entry Requirements with your family or your Rotary counselors. It’s complicated, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Mark the “due date” for documents on your calendar in BIG RED LETTERS. The dates are based on our decades of experience with the process. Missing this date doesn’t mean you won’t go on exchange, but it does mean that you might not get there for the official start of school or the Rotary program.


Follow the instructions to start gathering documents. Create a safe place to store them, and print the checklist to keep track of what you still need. A little organization will go a long way.


Scan your documents as soon as you collect them, and post the copies through your IYWT online pages. An IYWT team member will check them over and help you through any problems. Upload a scan of your Passport first! Start by scanning in the information and photo pages of your Passport!


Keep checking your online record to review items you need to complete, and to watch for any changes — which often occur! We must have all documents from BOTH you and Rotary before we can submit your application for legal entry into the Host Country.


We process your documents as soon as possible, but then the approval from the Host Country government can be anywhere from one day to eight weeks. REMEMBER: Itineraries and tickets are NOT prepared or issued until you have been granted legal authority to enter your host country.


There are many, many, many things that can and will change between now and the end of your exchange. As Rotary District 6220 volunteer Bill Briggs said: “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.”


Prepare for travel by reading the IYWT Day of Departure advice and following the instructions posted on your Message Board.


Follow the rules for post-arrival registration in your Host Country. Your Rotary sponsors or Host Family will help you with this part of the process. If you do not follow the rules, there may be fines to pay, or restrictions on your future travel back to your Host Country.